Careers and World of Work

Royal Wootton Bassett Academy is committed to and passionate about preparing students for Employment and Higher Education. In doing this, we make reference to the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance (Good Career Guidance, The Gatsby Report 2014):

1. A Stable Careers Programme;

2. Learning From Career and Labour Market Information;

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil;

4. Linking Curriculum learning to careers;

5. Encounters with employers and employees;

6. Experience of Workplaces;

7. Encounters with further and higher education;

8. Personal Guidance. 

At Royal Wootton Bassett Academy we are passionate about supporting and aspiring our students when it comes to careers. From the moment students join us we provide them with a wealth of knowledge regarding the various pathways they can follow. We believe that preparing our students for the challenges of the working world is just as important as ensuring they are making positive progress in lessons. All our students will have multiple opportunities to meet with education providers, employers, visit work environments and learn about both careers and educational pathways available to them. Our goal here is to ensure students can make an informed decision about their future education and employability options.


 Our careers programme is delivered through our Skills 4 Life curriculum and integrated within the wider curriculum. The students are educated and provided these opportunities through assemblies, Skills 4 Life in drop down days termly and Ilearn tutor time, our Careers Fair, Mock Interviews, Work Experience and more. We ensure that we follow the guidance from the Gatsby benchmarks and work closely with the enterprise coordinator at Wiltshire council to ensure we continue to deliver the very best for our students. We are always reflective, evaluative and mindful of the ever changing ‘World of Work’ and regularly review our careers provision through The Compass+ review system.

Careers is relevant within subject curriculums, we prompt carers links to be highlighted, including the wider world of employment to the content in the lesson then this occurs.

Our Careers Leader is Mrs Claire Fisher.
She can be contacted on 01793 841958 or Careers Education and Guidance is established,
monitored and supported by our Leadership team, School Governors 
(Linked Governor
– Karen Beard)
, staff, students, parents and local



Mrs C Fisher


To attend please follow below link and sign up for your FREE ticket. Please note 1 ticket will allow admission for up to 4 people. Limited tickets are available, if you are unable to secure a ticket you will be place on the waiting list. 

For all the details on our Open Evening please visit or click here

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