Personal, Social, Health and Economic

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE or Personal Development or Skills for Life) education is a school subject which helps students develop  the  knowledge,  skills  and  attributes  to  stay  healthy  and  safe  now  and  prepare  for  their futures. At RWBA we believe that good PSHE education also helps students to achieve their academic potential .Our intent is to provide an academic PSHE curriculum that provides opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future and help students understand how they have progressed in this. Our PSHE curriculum focusses on three core themes which are also recommended by the PSHE association: 

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world 

Our PSHE curriculum aims to enable students to become healthy, safe, independent, responsible members of  society  who  demonstrate  respect  and  tolerance  and  who  are  prepared  to  face  and manage the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing modern Britain and help students be the very best versions of themselves 

Preventative  PSHE  education  helps students to  know  how  they  can  support  each  other,  manage their  own  behaviour  and  get  help  for  themselves  or  their  friends  when  they  need  it,  therefore supporting positive behaviour and attitudes and the school behaviour policy. 

Compassionate, inclusive and diverse PSHE helps students feel safe and secure in school and able to express themselves how they wish in an ever changing and evolving society. 

Overall Aims

The PSHE programme at RWBA aims to make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. It aims to help students develop in the following key areas:  

We will:

  • Help students to aspire to be the best they can be, to have dreams for their future and know what is required to reach them.
  • Provide  opportunities for  our  students to  learn  about  rights  and  responsibilities  and appreciate what it means to be a valuable member of an ever-changing diverse society. We will help them to understand and consider many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in Modern Britain. 
  • Deepen  our students’  understanding  of  the  fundamental  British  values  of  democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance. 
  • Develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community

.•Stimulate, challenge and nurture student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity. 

  • Help students to understand the importance of their physical and mental health, understand emotions and feelings and have strategies to help them become resilient and confident. 
  • Help students to have a good understanding of themselves, to have empathy, an ability to work with others and to form and maintain positive relationships treating everyone equally with tolerance and respect.  
  • Teach   our   students age-appropriate   understanding   of   healthy   relationships   through appropriate relationship and sex education.
  • Teach our students about personal safety (online and off-line) and we will ensure students know where and how to get help if needed. 

Format for delivering PSHE

A blended approach is taken with delivery. Certain topic are delivered in ilearn via the tutor. Resources are prepared by the SfL coordinators and delivered in ilearn from 8:40-9:10. Topics are chosen with relevance and lead in to the SfL Days which take place at 6 points in the year.  

PSHE/SfL in ilearn Sessions: Over two days each week the statutory sessions for PSHE are delivered over the three core themes of Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world. This includes the requirements of the DfE Guidance on statutory Relationships Sex and Health Education. Year 9 are currently following a pilot scheme by the Sex Education forum called Positive Choices. This gives structured lessons for Year 9 students as well as the creation of a Healthy Schools Council  

How do we ensure all students can access the curriculum?

SfL lessons provide an inclusive environment in completely mix ability tutor groups. Students are either with their tutors or trained members of staff so they feel comfortable and safe to discuss issues they are worried or fee anxious about. Members of staff have CPD in Quality first teaching and look to develop the Bassett learner in their lessons, they display the characteristics of a Bassett teacher as well. With a thorough and well delivered SfL curriculum it can help students be happy, safe and in a better position to learn.  

There are a number of ways we ensure the SfL curriculum is accessible for all: 

  • Sessions are taught by their ilearntutor who is trained and has seen resources in advance. If it is specialist material, particularly RSE then this will be delivered by someone who is best positioned to deliver itand is comfortable and thoroughly trained in the delivery. 
  • Consultation with Tas takes place before a SfLday so that they are aware on content. In some cases students are taken out and work in small groups with TAs. Consultation with pastoral teams also happens if there are any particular trigger subjects in the content. 
  • Building on prior learning: A spiral curriculum will build on and revisit consolidate learning. These are planned by the same person to allow for progress and continuity across the year groups. 
  • Sessions are primarily discussion based with less focus on the need to write significant amounts
  • Targetedquestioning to adapt our teaching to the needs of students in our groups.
  • Allowing the “think, pair, share” concept of discussions to allow for confidence. 
  • Addressing misconceptions through circulation of the class. 
  • Assessment through RAG rated sheets, mind maps and low stakes quizzes to gaugestudent understanding and progress. 
  • Implementing the SEN code of practice and promoting Quality First Teachingin everything we do.


Lesson Examples

Mr D Storey

Teacher of Geography and Associate Lead for Diversity, Equality and Personal Development

For all the details on our Open Evening please visit or click here

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