Rights Respecting School

Royal Wootton Bassett Academy provides a holistic learning environment where every aspect of a child is focused on and developed, including the areas of well-being and citizenship.  As part of our school’s aims to promote a thriving learning environment, we have recently gained the silver award as a UNICEF “Rights Respecting School”. 

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. In 1989, governments worldwide promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.

The ‘Rights Respecting School’ award (RRSA) will help our pupils to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community. By learning about their rights our pupils, your children, also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others.

RWBA pupils are encouraged to reflect on how their behaviour and actions affect those around them, which allows us to build and maintain a positive and safe learning environment for all, both in the classroom and around the school. In preparation for the launch of RRSA, and in consultation with pupils and staff at all levels, class charters have been developed, which outline expectations in the classroom. RRSA links with our School Values, Restorative Practices and the work we do promoting Global Citizenship and Equal Opportunities and supports our Healthy School and International School accreditations.

If you would like to learn more about the Rights Respecting School award or about Children’s rights then please visit:


Making Rights Real 

At RWBA, we are working towards article 42 to ensure that all students know what the UNCRC rights are. Each tutor room has a display posters which outlines the UNCRC and can be referred to in Skills for Life Sessions.


Our Curriculum 

Our whole school aim is focussed on developing the whole student and our curriculums consider Articles 29 Aims of Education but also Article 31 which include the Right to Rest, Play, Culture and Art. 


Student Parliament

We meet aims of Article 12, Respecting Childrens Views through our student parliament which is one-way students make their voice heard and support changes within the school and its culture.


Many Voices, One Bassett

This student led group supporting and leading on addressing all discrimination in school focussing on meeting Articles 2 (No Discrimination) and Article 8 (Identity) 


The Bassett Way

Our values of ‘Respect’ ‘Wellbeing’ ‘Balance’ and ‘Aspiration’ are linked to the Rights of the Child including Articles 19 (Protection from Violence) Article 28 (Access to Education) and Articles 15 (Setting up or Joining Groups)


Global Development and Article of the Week

To complement our Rights Respecting work, we integrate opportunities for teaching and learning about Global developments and issues. The aim of this work is to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that they need to make a positive contribution within and beyond the school gates. These can include looking at an Article of the Week or Important International Days/Months such as Black History and LGBTQ+.

For all the details on our Open Evening please visit https://www.rwba.org.uk/transition/ or click here

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