Attendance and Punctuality
- Students are responsible for making sure their individual attendance and punctuality is maintained to the highest level in line with the school attendance and punctuality policy.
- Students are expected to sign in and out using their ID badges when arriving or leaving the school premises.
- Students are expected to aim for 100% attendance and punctuality. Attendance below 95% may require intervention from the student support manager. In Year 12 Attendance below 70% for the academic year may result in students not continuing into Year 13.
- If a student is unable to attend school through illness or for a legitimate or authorised reason, they must a) contact the Academy on the first day of absence, stating a reason for the absence; and b) contact the Academy on each subsequent day of absence.
- Students should avoid making non-emergency medical or dental appointments during the school day. Where this is unavoidable but essential parents should notify the school in advance and where possible provide proof of the appointment. Students should not arrange driving lessons during the school day.
- Students are expected to attend and be punctual for all lessons, iLearns, assemblies, Skills for Life days and all other student commitments.
- Students are expected to take responsibility for catching up on any work missed through absence on their return to school. Work will not be sent home if students are not in school due to illness and students should not request work from their teachers to be sent home.