North Wilts Sports Cluster

RWBAT Sports Clusters; North Wilts Sports Cluster & Kingsbury Green Sports Clusters

Who we work with:

  • WASP
  • YST
  • BFC
  • H5
  • Thermoplastics
  • Fencing
  • LM Hotfoil
  • Asfsigns
  • etc

North Wilts Sports Cluster

(Formed in 2011 to celebrate the 2012 Olympic Build up)

Ashton Keynes Primary  Bradon Forest Secondary  Broad Hinton Primary

Broad Town Primary   Noremarsh Junior   Longleaze Primary

Lydiard Millicent Primary  Lyneham Primary  St Bartholomews Primary

St Mary’s Primary  St Sampson’s Primary  Wootton Bassett Infant

Royal Wootton Bassett Academy

Kingsbury Green Sports Cluster

(Formed in 2020 to inspire schools in Calne)

Cherhill Primary        Marden Vale Primary   Fynamore Primary

Heddington Primary   Hilmarton Primary   Holy Trinity Primary

Priestley Primary   St Edmunds Primary   St Margaret’s Primary

St Nicholas Primary   Kingsbury Green Academy

Both clusters are linked together as part of the

Ascend Learning Trust

A little bit about me..

Mr P Smith

I began teaching PE in 2001 and from 2006 I specialised in Primary PE.  In 2011 I launched the North Wilts Sports Cluster on behalf of the Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Trust.  I love the balance between teaching and being a School Sports Coordinator as I get to experience so many amazing moments from a PE lesson to a county final or providing CPD to hosting a Dance show.

My passion for developing sport and physical activity at all levels keeps me very busy.  When I’m not in school mode I can be found playing Basketball, Golf or Swimming or coaching Athletics with Swindon Harriers. I also provide a variety of training courses for young coaches making their way along the coaching and officiating pathway!

I am now a very proud father of two very active boys who will no doubt keep me on my toes.

Phil Smith
SSCo Ascend Learning Trust

North Wilts & Kingsbury Green Sports Clusters

07932 632013

The role of an SSCo

A School Sport Co-ordinator (SSCo) plays a leading role in the delivery of school development plans across a cluster of feeder schools.  They support colleagues in the delivery of high quality PE and School Sport and have a remit to;

 increase sporting opportunities for pupils during out of school hours

 bring feeder schools together for participation, enjoyment and competition through physical education

 link up with community clubs, local organisations and National Governing Bodies to create a pathways for success

 identify professional development expertise & needs within the cluster and lead on innovative CPD opportunities for all staff within the cluster of schools

Physical Education, Health & Well-being is at the centre of everything we do!

Impact for our cluster

Across our expanding cluster we currently have 24 schools. Historically we see around 700 children taking part in festivals and events during each academic year although this will increase significantly as the cluster continues to expand. The attendance at festivals is complimented by secondary pupils leading, umpiring, officiating, scoring, refereeing, timekeeping, filming, coaching and having lots of fun.  Our “Power of 10” program specifically targets the organising of events! Our P10s have gone from small beginnings refereeing 3 or 4 festivals a year to being invited to help organise the Wiltshire Schools Games in Marlborough. They even have an impact beyond the school gates as they regularly assist with community events such as local fun runs and Rotary club Youth Challenge days.

We are proud to include the wider community within our annual events. Parents come to watch, sports clubs are heavily involved in the planning and running of many of our festivals, community coaches lead sport specific sessions in schools and we also work with local voluntary group and national governing bodies to raise understanding and in turn standards across our schools.

Each year we offer CPD opportunities to primary staff though twilight staff meetings, team teaching lessons, more able identification and movement group support.  We also buy in and pilot resources, planning and CPD from outside agencies sharing best practice wherever we can.

Each year we improve our provision to the cluster. For example in 2012 we ran 12 events after our torch relay and Mini Olympics. In 2019 we organised 18 events including an “Inclusion day” which took place at H5 Adventure in Broad Town. Specifically targeting pupils with low self esteem who would benefit from team building and working with good role models such as our P10 Young Leaders


P10s have inspired over 3000 children since 2012!