COVID-19 Update


Despite the numbers being very small, COVID-19 is still in existence and despite high numbers of vaccinations, we should still consider the effects of COVID and other respiratory illnesses on the vulnerable in our society. There is no legal requirement to isolate.


 If your child/young person has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or slight cough but are otherwise well, they can still attend school.


If your child/young person has a temperature or feels unwell, they should stay at home and avoid contact with others where possible. They should return to school when they feel well enough and do not have a temperature.


Testing is no longer recommended, and we do not have any LFD tests in school, but if your child/young person does happen to test and they are positive, they should stay at home for 3 days.


If a child/young person is too ill to attend school, there is no expectation that they will complete any work as the focus should be on them getting better so that they can return to physical school. If a child/young person has to isolate, they should access remote learning on the school website.

The academy will no longer carry out Track and Trace to identify close contacts of a positive Covid case

  • Face coverings no longer need to be worn in school, however if individuals wish to continue to wear  
    them, they can. Staff working in very close proximity to students may choose to wear them. 
  • Face coverings are recommended on transport. 
  • Routine Asymptomatic LFDs no longer need to be carried out. 
  • Try to stay home and avoid contact with other people.  
  • Contacts will no longer need to ‘self-isolate’. 
  • Track and Trace has ended. 

Students should continue to follow the government advise on control measures;

  • Good hand hygiene 
  • Covering coughs and sneezes will help reduce the spread of particles carrying COVID-19 and other viruses. 
  • For the comfort and wellbeing of others, please respect people’s wishes for extra space where possible. 
  • Maintaining good cleaning regimes 
  • Maintain good ventilation in classroom