Ensuring that our pupils are safe and well is something that we take very seriously at Royal Wootton Bassett Academy. We recognise our legal duty under the Education Act 2011 to work with other agencies to ensure that pupils are protected from harm and to promote their welfare. We regularly work with CAMHS, counsellors, the NHS, local Primary Schools and the Police to ensure pupil safety and wellness.
All staff at Royal Wootton Bassett Academy have been DBS checked, as are regular professional visitors to the school. As part of our responsibility to keep children safe, staff are regularly trained in safeguarding and to recognise the signs of pupils who need further attention to be kept from harm. School has a very clear set of protocols that are followed to ensure concerns are followed up correctly, involving Social Services, or other agencies where necessary.
You can view our Safeguarding Policies below, or request one from the school office.

Reporting Concerns
You should never worry about passing on your concerns to the Police, the Local Authority or the Safeguarding Leads at RWBA School.
In the event of an emergency, phone the Police using the 999 number. If the risks to the young person are not immediate but they are significant, phone the Police using the 101 number.
If the risks are not immediate you can also contact the Local Authority (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 03004560100 (out of hours) and 03004560108 (working hours).
You can always contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) either using the email addresses below or by calling the school reception on 01793 841900 making it clear that your message is for the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The key safeguarding responsibilities within each of the roles above are set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 which you can find on our policies page.
Role | Name |
Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) | Mrs A Ellis |
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Headteacher (DSL) | Mrs M Roberts |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) | Mrs K Salmon |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) and Young Carers Lead | Mrs K Heaphy |
Head of Year 7 (Someone you can go to with a safeguarding concern) | Mr D Webb |
Head of Year 8 (Someone you can go to with a safeguarding concern) | Mrs M Moore |
Head of Year 9 (Someone you can go to with a safeguarding concern) | Miss B Bermingham |
Head of Year 10 (Someone you can go to with a safeguarding concern) | Miss M Jones |
Head of Year 11 (Someone you can go to with a safeguarding concern) | Mr J Rendall |
Behaviour and Safeguarding Manager | Mrs K Thorp |
Chair of Governors | Mrs J Dickson |
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) | Mrs S McMullin |
Nominated Governor | Mrs J Dickson |