A new set of School Food Standards were launched in June 2014 for all food served in schools in England. These are mandatory for all maintained schools, new academies and free schools and fully came into force in 1st January 2015.
The previous statutory standards introduced between 2006 and 2009, comprised “food based” and “nutrient based” standards. These had a positive impact on school food however they were complicated, costly to implement, inflexible in terms of menu changes and required the help of central resources for recipe and menu analysis.
The new food standards aim to:
Ensure food provided is healthy, balanced and nutritious
Provide pupils with an appropriate amount of the energy and nutrients they need during the school day
Help develop healthy eating habits.
The new food standards are based around the five food groups and are stricter in terms of health and balance of menus but do not require nutritional analysis of individual recipes. You can download the new school food standards from: www.schoolfoodplan.com/standards. We have designed a brand new menu to be implemented Mid December compliant with the new food standards.
EU FIC REGULATION 2014 (NO. 1169/2011)
A new regulation came into force on 13 Dec 2014 whereby we have to declare/provide allergen information on customers’ requests for fresh loose, un-packed food that we provide as part of our menu offer.
This regulation affects all catering institutions like Hospitals, prisons, schools, restaurants, takeaways and delis all EU member states.
The 14 that are on the list are:
Cereals containing gluten
Molluscs like clams, scallops, squid etc.
Crustaceans like prawns and crayfish
Nuts namely almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio, cashew, Macadamia or Queensland nut.
Sulphur dioxide or sulphites (where added and is >10mg/kg in the finished product. Often found in dried fruit and wine
We are currently working with G4S Dietician to implement an allergy management framework fit for Wiltshire schools environment. Training has taken place in this respect to ensure all staff are aware of the regulation and we have protocols and procedures in place to be compliant with the regulation itself. All recipes and menus will have allergen information tagged on ready for customer requests. We cannot give incorrect or incomplete information as that is Breach of Regulation when audited by Local authorities or enforcement officers . We have also designed a protocol to deal with allergy requests and emergencies to ensure we are providing safe food to our special customers.
Natasha's Law "From the 1st October 2021, the requirements for prepacked for direct sale (PPDS) food labelling changed, legislation otherwise known as Natasha's Law. This new labelling helps protect students, staff and visitors by providing allergen information on the packaging of pre packed items. G4S takes the management of food safety very seriously and can confirm they have reviewed the new legislation and installed updated software and systems to ensure we are compliant. PPDS items now have the allergen information on the products and allergen information on non-pre packed items remains available as before from the catering teams."