a) When you launch the Teams app for the first time, it will ask you to sign in with an email address. Type in the email address that you have on record with the school. If you already have a personal Microsoft account attached to this email address, it will prompt you for your password and will let you sign in. You can move onto Step 2: Enable School Connection within The Teams App. If you don’t have a personal Microsoft account attached to the email address the school has on file for you, you will be prompted to create a free new account. Select Create a new account.
Note: You can only use a personal Microsoft account to use School Connection (the functionality of Teams that allows you to look at student homework). You can not use a Microsoft work or organisation email address. If we only have a work or organisation email address on account for you – please contact the school to add a personal email address to your school record.
b) Click Next when it prompts you to create an account
c) Enter your First name and Surname where prompted. These should match the names the school has on file for you. Click Next.
d) Enter your Country/region and Date of Birth (to prove you are not a child). When you click Next, it will email you a security code to verify you own the email address entered, and may ask you to prove that you are a human and not a robot. Once complete, you will be taken straight into the app.

a) Click your initials / profile picture in the top left of the app.
b) Scroll down and select the School Connection item.
c) Select Enable
d) You will now have an icon of a parent and a child at the bottom of your app – this is the School Connection functionality of Teams that will allow you to look at your child’s homework.

a) Click the icon of two students at the bottom of the app – this is the School Connection button
b) You will be prompted to enter the email address of your child and click Next.
Email addresses are in the format xxyyyzzz@rwba.org.uk where xx is the year the student joined the school, yyy is the first three letters of the student’s last name and zzz are the first three letters of the student’s first name. For example, if the student is called Jane Doe and joined the school in 2022, their email address would likely be: 22DoeJan@rwba.org.uk. You can always ask your child to confirm their email address for you.
c) You should receive a confirmation that the child is yours. You can add other children from this screen if you have multiple children. Click the Done button.
d) You will then see an overview for your child. You can click on the child to dive deeper into their homework information.